Transport in the Košice Region until 2020
The 3rd International Conference was held from 7-8 September, 2017 in Hotel Yasmin Košice.
The conference was organized under the auspices of the Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic PaedDr. Árpád Érsek, the President of the Košice Self-governing Region – JUDr. Zdenko Trebuľa, the Mayor of Košice – MUDr. Richard Raši, PhD., MPH.
The aim of the conference was to support the development of transport, transport infrastructure and projects from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 in the fields of road transport, rail transport, public passenger transport and cyclical transport. Modern trends in the fields of tariff information security of public transport, the traffic management technologies, the bike and car sharing, the applicability of data in transport planning, the building of the intelligent ecosystem services and the concept of Last Mile, Via Carpatia and Smart cities were also introduced during the conference.
The presentations of the conference took place in four parallel sections:
Section A – Road transport – transport infrastructure, perspective traffic management systems, quality of services
Section B – Rail transport and infrastructure – modernization of rail transport in the region and quality of service
Section C – Integrated transport and logistic – institutional support, funding of ITS
Section D – Sustainable transport – the potential and opportunity of development in the Košice region (Last mile, building Smart cities, bicycle transport and cycle tourism)
During the conference 50 technical presentations were presented. The rapporteurs of the conference came from Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic. The number of participants was approximately 200.
The Via Carpatia EGTC made a presentation about the Via Carpatia Tansit route – the route of the future, within the section A.
You can find photos and the official video of the conference on the link below:
You can find photos and the official video of the conference on the link below: tu.