10th General Assembly (GA) of the Via Carpatia EGTC
On 20th March, 2018 in Miskolc, the 10th General Assembly (GA) of the Via Carpatia EGTC was organized. It was the first meeting of the Chairman of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County (Török Dezső) and the new Chairman of Košice self-governing region (Ing. Rastislav Trnka).
The two chairpersons stated, that they will continue to support the cooperation between the regions, what the Via Carpatia EGTC is a good example for.
The members of the GA voted for approval of the 17 program points, presented by Ing. Julianna Orbán Máté, PhD., Director of the Via Carpatia EGTC.
They approve the following points:
- the budget of Via Carpatia EGTC for year 2018,
- the 2017 Annual Report of the Via Carpatia EGTC,
- the changes of Statues of Via Carpatia EGTC,
- Ethical code of Via Carpatia EGTC,
- the change of organizational structure of the Via Carpatia EGTC,
- the co-financing of the REWAFI project and a project submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary.
The GA also elected new members of the Supervisory Board of Via Carpatia EGTC. New members of Supervisory Board of Via Carpatia EGTC are: Ing. Peter Harčarik and Dipl.-Kfm. Michal Demo.
The members of GA were familiar with the 11 projects submitted by Via Carpatia EGTC in year 2017. To the agenda of 10th GA was included a Summary Report on the Small Projects Fund, either. The Summary Report contains a timesheet of works within the Small Projects Fund and the current expenditure related to the implementation of the Small Projects Fund.
The atmosphere of the 10th General Assembly was pleasant and it took place in a hope of successful future cooperation.