The 1st Call for Small project proposals in the frame of the Interreg V-A SK-HU Cooperation Programme
The 1st Call for Small project proposals in the frame of the Interreg V-A SK-HU Cooperation Programme was a pilot call with limited duration. The applicants had a possibility to submit projects within two priority axis:
- PA1 – Nature and Culture
- PA4 – Enhancing cross-border cooperation of public authorities and people living in the border area
Info days
During the call for proposal the Via Carpatia EGTC organized 6 info days, in all six counties of the Eastern programming area. The total number of participants was 148.
The graph shows the number of participants in each counties:
Submitted projects
39 projects were submitted within the 1st call for proposals. The diagram shows the number of submitted projects within each priority axis:
The amount of the financial allocation for 1st call for proposals is 1 059 501, 10 € (EFRD). The graph shows the share of the financial allocation and the requested amount:
Currently the administrative assessment is being made. The qualitative assessment is followed by the administrative assessment. During the qualitative assessment the projects are evaluated by two independent assessors. Each assessor may give 100 points. The final score is made by the average of the scores given by the assessors. The final decision about the project proposals is made by the Small project fund Monitoring Committee.
Results are foreseen in the end of the year 2018.
Zoznam úspešných projektov bude zverejnený koncom roka 2018.