Project I-CARE-SMART – INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM FOR SMART ELDERLY CARE was approved within the 3rd Call of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE.
The project deals with the health and well-being of the elderly in Central Europe. This area is not only a societal challenge but also an opportunity to promote growth. The aim of the project is to support the development of innovative products and services meeting the special needs of the elderly and to support the development of a “silver economy”.
I-CARE-SMART partners aim to bring innovation closer to senior citizens and to create a structured collaboration framework for cooperation between all stakeholders in this field. I-CARE-SMART delivers a comprehensive toolset with practical guidance on how to engage seniors and businesses in user-focused co-creation and open innovation. The final goal is to build a transnational open innovation ecosystem for smart elderly care, which allows public authorities, universities, businesses, and the representatives of the elderly to regularly interact and share knowledge and information on the unmet needs of the elderly and on the potential solutions to address them. A total of 13 partners from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria, and Germany participate in the project.
More information about the project:
The following materials in the field of creating innovations for seniors were created within the project: