Young4Climate is a project approved and implemented as part of the program “Mitigation and adaptation to climate change” (SK-Klíma) co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
Project aims to increase the awareness level on climate crisis adaptation and mitigation by delivering the series of innovative awareness raising activities targeting especially the pupils and their relatives at 62 secondary schools in Košice region.
Project improves the level of awareness about climate adaptation and mitigation among the pupils of secondary schools, as the future generation that will be forced to tackle the climate crisis, helping them to understand the climate agenda and preparing them to fight the climate crisis, starting the action within their communities reaching the global United Nations´ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Nr. 13 Climate Action – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Project also targets the general public concentrated around secondary schools, like teachers, school staff, family, relatives and friends.
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Duration of the Project:
Financial contribution from Contribution from the Norwegian financial mechanism 2014 – 2021
Contribution from the Slovak State Budget