The DigiCare4CE is an international project aimed at supporting the increase in the level of digitization in long-term care facilities for the elderly. The project is supported and implemented within the Interreg Central Europe program and financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
As part of the support of digital solutions in facilities for the elderly, the intention is to alleviate the workload of caregivers and improve the quality of care provided for the elderly. The goal of the project is to prepare a comprehensive strategy for the digital transformation of care facilities for the elderly, to practically test suitable innovative technologies and to develop action plans for the proposed strategy’s implementation.
The project also includes training and educational programs for facility employees who work with seniors. These trainings and education will be focused on the practical use of new technologies that improve elderly care.
Ultimately, the project will help facilities for seniors to gain practical experience in using new innovative technologies, which will improve overall care for seniors in the Košice Region.
A total of ten partners from Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Czechia, Slovenia, and Poland are involved in the project implementation.
Web page:
Duration of the Project:
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ERDF Contribution:
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