Project CITYCIRCLE – Circular economy hubs in peripheral urban centres in Central Europe was approved within the 3rd Call of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE.

CITYCIRCLE is improving innovation capacities of peripheral urban centers of Central Europe by introducing the circular economy system to partner cities. Peripheral cities of Central Europe are marked by lack of innovation cooperation and lack of access to global innovation processes. Circular economy (CE) has been acknowledged as a development concept that should provide sustainable, resource efficient development and a great pool for innovation of new technologies, services, solutions and business models to make our cities and regions better places to live and work.

The main CITYCIRCLE objective is to utilize innovation potential of circular economy in cities through setting-up quadruple-helix circular economy hubs in partner cities and to equip them with the knowledge and tools so they will be able to design circular economy value-chains in their cities. Hubs will implement pilot projects to test developed tools, while transnational value chains will be defined in transnational CE strategy to link local circular economy value chains and reach critical mass.

More information about the project:

Project outputs:
Index vyspelosti obehového hospodárstva
Circular Economy Starter Kit
Regional mapping for CE transition – Košice
Evaluation methodology
Final Implementation Report
CE Bio Economy Valeu Chains Guide
Cooperation map
Advanced knowledge Base upgraded
CE Value Chains Final
Spoločný strategický zámer v oblasti obehovej ekonomiky